IPC (Inter Process Communication)

There are two processes Back Process and Front Process in Android JS.

  • main.js is the Back Process of your app which provide Node JS runtime environment.
  • views of your app called Front Process which rendered by Android Webview (i.e HTML files) or React Native views (i.e. JS files).

In order to make the Async communication between them Android JS provide two modules Back module and Front module.

An example of sending and handling messages between the back and front processes:

// In back process (main.js)
var back = require('androidjs').back;

back.on('Hello', function(msg){
    back.send('print', 'Hello ${msg}');

Webview Based App or HTML / CSS Based

// In front process (web pages)
        // add androidjs.js to get the API's of `Android Js`.
        <script src = "./assets/ipc/androidjs.js" ></script>
        front.send('Hello', 'Hello Android jS');
        front.on('print', function(msg){

React Native Based App

// In react native views (JS files)
import {front, app} from 'androidjs';

front.send('Hello', 'Hello Android JS');
front.on('print', function(msg){

Back Module

Require Android JS in your main.js file and get the instance of Back module.

var back = require('androidjs').back;


The back module has the following method to listen for events:

back.on(channel, listener)

  • channel String
  • listener Function

Listens to channel, when a new message arrives listener would be called with listener(args...).

back.send(channel[, arg1][, arg2][, ...])

  • channel String
  • ...args any[]

Send a message to the front process asynchronously via channel, you can also send arbitrary arguments.

The front process handles it by listening for channel with front module.

Front Module

Add Android JS In Webview Based App or HTML / CSS Based

Add Android JS in your web page get the instance of Front module.

        // add androidjs.js to get the API's of `Android Js`.
        <script src = "./assets/ipc/androidjs.js" ></script>
Add Android JS In React Native Based App

Add Android JS in your JS files to get the instance of Front module.

import {front, app} from 'androidjs';


The front module has the following method to listen for events:

front.on(channel, listener)

  • channel String
  • listener Function

Listens to channel, when a new message arrives listener would be called with listener(args...).

front.send(channel[, arg1][, arg2][, ...])

  • channel String
  • ...args any[]

Send a message to the back process asynchronously via channel, you can also send arbitrary arguments.

The back process handles it by listening for channel with back module.

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